

9" x 12"

Cut Paper


9" x 12"

Acrylic on Canvas

What guided my artwork was we had to cut out pieces of paper from a magazine and glue them onto a 9" by 12" paper. Later, we had to take the same size canvas and try to copy it onto the canvas using acrylic paint. I wanted to do a landscape and use other pieces that would not be totally crazy to be placed in this area, however, also making it kinda "weird".

How I created my artwork by choosing some pictures from magazines and then choosing where I wanted them to be placed for my final product. Then, I started from the background, like the mountains and water, then the black top, then the bushes, etc. 

What changed from the beginning compared to the end product was that I would've had my road be a darker color, like how it was in the picture. Other than that, everything else went how I had envisioned it. I wanted to do a landscape, so I looked in some magazines that might have landscapes in them. In addition to this, I wanted to make it a little strange, have a twist to it, for instance, I had it be the dark "cloud" things, and the doll figure.