Foundations of Art

My artwork shows how I have improved as an artist because, towards the beginning of the year, everything I made was super flat and kind of messy in a way that some lines never had a purpose. Whereas now I feel as though everything I drew had a purpose, it's not perfect but you can definitely see improvement from the beginning of the year. For instance, I look at my extended blind contour drawing in comparison to my mixed media drawing and the materials used for the project are relatively similar, however, you can see a lot of improvement between the two of them.

What I found really challenging this year was keeping my ideas or my goals the same throughout the whole individual project. For instance, I felt myself going back to my original ideas. This is a challenge as at the end of my project my final product often has changed a lot and it doesn't resemble what I was hoping it would. Also, I have a hard time keeping up my effort when working on a long project. For example, if I have been working on a certain project for an extended period of time, I often get sloppy and tired. Whereas, when this happens and I notice it I want to be able to tell myself to take a break and come back to it so that the work doesn't get sloppy.

What I am most proud of this year was the artwork I created of my pets. I feel as though I captured them relatively well and I will cherish that artwork more than would cherish some of the other artwork I did.  Mostly, I am proud of my mixed media drawing as I think it really resembles my dog. Something else I am proud of this year is the process in which we were taught to do throughout this year. I never knew how to add so many layers and that much dimension in the past and I feel like I can make something look a lot more realistic than I could make something look in the past.

 My goal for doing art over the summer is to get better at painting. I would like to start doing more art in my free time, especially the art I enjoy doing even if it is just doodling. I've discovered that I actually enjoy doing art and that it usually relaxes me. In addition, I would like to just improve my ability to make something look more realistic. Overall, I want to continue to enjoy doing art and just keep doing it often over the summer and throughout the next couple of years.