Underglaze Transfer

Bird House 

I really liked the idea of creating a very 3D sort of design that would look like a real thing but it was just for decoration. I felt like a bird house would be something that I would be able to create successfully but would also challenge me. 

My process started with figuring out the measurments and size I wanted my bird house, and then cutting out the pieces of paper I scethced it out on and putting it together how I wanted my clay version to look. When I finished this part, I was very happy with how it turned out and knew I wanted to keep the measurements the same. After, I cut out slabs of clay the same shape and size by tracing around the paper. Then came the process of assembling the bird house my scratching a scoring and making sure it was sturdy. While I let it dry, I painted on the design that I wanted to be printed on the bird house. After I finished this I would transfer it onto my birdhouse. After, I was going to glaze it with matte glaze as I felt like it would match the rustic look, but there was no more. However, I like how the end product turned out. 

The most difficult part of this project was after cutting out the slabs of clay, after tracing them from the paper, I didn't take into consideration the depth and thickness of the clay slabs in comparison the the paper. This caused my measurments to all be a little off and I needed to adjust them slightly in order to make sure there would be no gaps. Overall, it all turned out how I would have hoped and this was probably my favorite piece I've made.