
Dog Zentangle 

Paper and pen (0.7 tip)

12" by 18"

The main idea I was trying to get across with this artwork is that I made a value strip of 10 different values using a pen. It was difficult because you couldn't shade or press harder on a pen to get different values it was more about complexity and how detailed and simple you can make the zentangle.

 I made the artwork by looking at the silhouette of a fox and trying to recreate it, which didn't go as planned so I made it a couple of other animals before it was decided to be a dog. Then I split the silhouette into 10 parts, so I could get 10 different value trips. Then I started drawing shapes and tried to make them more complex.

The main difference between what I had in mind in the beginning to what I created, in the end, was that my silhouette would've looked different if I continued to make it having a fox in mind. But because I thought it didn't look like a fox I tried to make it into a different animal by changing the tail and then I wasn't sure what it looked like anymore. Other than that, it looks pretty similar to what I had in mind.

Negative Space Hands

Paper and pen (0.7 tip)

12" by 18"

Negative Space Leaves

Paper and pen (0.7 tip)

12" by 18"

Artist Statement 

The main idea I was trying to get across was to have a space in which the leaves were put and leave that untouched. Then for the rest of the page, other than the border, to have it completely filled in. The idea was that you couldn't draw anything inside of the leaves, nor them overlapping them unless it was done in an interesting way. 

I made my artwork by collecting leaves outside and then taping them onto a scrap piece of paper. I then would glance up and down and copy the shape of the leaves (only the outline) onto my larger, final project paper. Then I grabbed water-colored pencils and did the background. I decided to make my background a pond so I did pond creatures and I also did some zentangle patterns in some spaces.

The difference between what I had in mind at the beginning compared to in the end is that I thought I was gonna do a full zentangle background but I didn't end up doing that because then I got the idea of using watercolor or maybe paint. When I started doing the blue background I had the idea to make it a pond and then when I couldn't think of anything more to do in the last phew sections I did a zentangle.