Coil & Carve Cylinder

Leafy Coils

There was this vision in my head when I was thinking about what to do for this project and I really liked the idea of making it have leaves all around it and to crave them out ot add some depth. I thought it would look interesting and visually appealing.  

My process consited of creating a cylinder by rolling coils all the way up until it was to the height necassary which was soemthing like it being taller than it was wide. As I created this cylinder I was thinking about what desing I wanted to put on it. Then, once it came time I started scratching off what I wanted the leaf shapes to look like on the clay.  This process continues until my whole piece was sceteched out. I then started carving out sections of the clay out to add that depth I was looking for. After I finished, I decided to glaze this piece green as it would match the leaf theme. 

A challenge I came across was when I was scratching out the leaves, it was not looking how I wanted it to look so I kept smoothing them over and restarting. Eventually, I decided that my scratched looked like how I wanted them to look enough so I continued through the next step. Another challenge was simply roling the coils and making sure they didn't dry out before I could use them.