Historical Inspired Ceramic Form

Historical Pot

This pot stuck out to me because I really liked the shape and how it included some sort of abstract fish lure.  It also stood out to me because I knew it was a sake cup holder and it was my mom's birthday coming up and I thought I could give it to her. 

My process consisted of rolling or putting coils in the coil machine and wrapping them around while trying to create to shape desired. I learned how to angle the coils and make them thinner or thicker in order to shape the pot. The process for creating this was relatively repetitive, however, this did not make it easier. 

I challenge that I ran into was that I did not create the shape how it was supposed to be shaped. I made it much more narrow than it should be. This caused a big problem as I couldn't go back and reshape it, because it would cause it to thin out and become too flimsy. So, I changed courses and I closed the top of the pot over, flipped it over, cut a hole, and made that the top of the pot instead. This would allow me to create the shape how it I wanted it to look. Another challenge I came across was a time crunch, I was going to encorperate the fish design in my final product, however, I ran out of time and painted it a pretty blue instead.