

9" x 12"

Colored pencil on Black Construction paper

Lily pad

Black Underglaze on Fired Clay

What guided my artwork was the task to design something with about fifty percent light and fifty percent dark. From the start I wanted to choose a flower because I think they are pretty.  In addition, we were instructed to engage both the background and border which I had a hard time doing. 

How I created my artwork was by first drawing my design on black construction paper. Then you would start scratching away the design on the clay. I did this using mainly the tool with the small loops. After you were done carving, the clay body would be fired and then we would add a pinkish liquid coat to it in order to give it a glossy look.

What changed from the beginning compared to the end product was on the leaves of the lily pad I added an extra layer, making one layer all scratched out while leaving the other layer black in order to incorporate more white. In addition, I added a butterfly to engage the background a little and also to add a little more white because I found that it wasn't exactly fifty-fifty with light versus dark.