foundations of art


Art class has been one of my favorite classes throughout school but it has also been one of my hardest classes. Ever since I was little I loved making art from painting to drawing and making sculptures out of air-dry clay I would almost always pass the time by making and creating art. From kindergarten to eighth-grade art was one of my favorite classes. And this was a big reason as to why I decided to take foundations of art as a freshman.

When I started this class I thought it was going to be easy because I love art and it's something fun to do. But I was kind of wrong this class is fun and very interesting but it is also very difficult. I learned that if you don't keep up with the work and stay on task you’re going to have a hard time staying up to date with everything and you will fall behind. But lucky for me, I learned that at the beginning of the year and I've stayed up to date with everything since.

My favorite piece of art that I created this year was my Abstract zoomed shoe. I really like all the patterns and colors I put into this art and how the finished product came out. But like I said this year everything was not easy. The most challenging piece of art I created was the self-portrait. My self-portrait still doesn’t look like me but I tried my best. I added highlights and shadows like I learned but it didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted. But that’s ok because my art still improved as the year went on.

At the beginning of the year, we had to create three different time capsule drawings one of them was a drawing of my horseback riding helmet I think it looks ok but when you compare it to another piece of art I created towards the end of the year you can really see how I have improved. For example, the duck stamp drawing. Both the helmet and the duck stamp are realistic drawings but the duck I created looks way better because of all the shadow and highlights I added because I learned how to layer the material I’m using to get a really rich and vibrant product.

Looking back at all the art I created this year I am very proud. It took a lot of time and effort to make this stuff but it was worth it. As a learner there is still a lot I would like to work on as I look at the art I can see things that I’m not good at like portraits and it makes me what to learn more so I can improve. Overall this year’s art class was a positive experience for me and something I really enjoyed.