
The fourth project we worked in this semester was our duality project. When I was coming up with an idea for this I knew I wanted to do something with the wilderness so I decided to do the opposite which is the city for the duality portion. I also knew I also wanted to do opposite colors so on the counrty side tried to do darker colors with a night theme and on the city side I wanted to do lighter colors with a day time theme. The city side didn't end up being exactly what I wanted because the glazes didn't what to corporate but it ended up looking pretty good.

Making this project went pretty smoothly and it was pretty fun I learned that I really like making tiles. I used a few different techniques while making this project I made coils, flat pieces of clay, and scraping into the clay. When it came to glazing it took me a long time. way longer then I expected but the final product it something I'm proud of.

Overall I really I like what I made. And the time I put into this product was worth it. If I could make this again I would choose diffrent glazes for the city side that wouldn't end up so dark.