Gelatin Prints

Leaves 6x6

Leaves 6x6

Leaves 6x6

The story behind my work is we started with covering a piece of gelatin with ink then we made a a leave picture on the ink after we put a piece of paper to make our first of three prints then took of the leaves and made another print and after that one a last one called the ghost print. after I took one of my prints and made it better with watercolor paint.

The materials I used were leaves, ink, a brayer, a gelatin plate, watercolor paint, and a pencil.

When I finished the printing I decided to choose the second printing out of the three because I liked all the design in the leves and I thought that it would look even better if I made a background that was patterned and colorful. When I started making the shapes I was going to start by just colouring them in but I decided that it looked even better when I filled them with patterns, then colored them so that's what I did. I didn't want to fill all the shapes with pattern so I just did some and colored the rest in with bright colors to contrast the dark blue ink that made the leaves. Something I could do to make this art piece better is make all the little lines cleaner so the artwork looks better close up.