Realistic self-portrait

Dog Prints 9x12 - Me 7x8

The story is I had to draw a self portrait so I took a picture of myself and drew a grid on it to draw myself as realistically as I could. My project relates to my life because it is a drawing of myself.

The materials that I used to draw this self portrait is a ruler, paper, lots of different pencils, and a photo of myself.

I used the grid process the way I did this was by drawing a grid on the photo of myself then I drew the same size grid on the drawing paper and I went square by square shading it to look like the photo. using the grid made it easier to get the drawing to look realistic. first my project didn't look as good because the shadows aren't great but I went back through square by square and fixed them. my next steps could be to work in my eyes to make them look more like the photo. I found the eyes and the lips to be the hardest things to draw and the nose the easiest.