
A Boys Head With A Crab's Body 5.5x8

The image you are seeing is a boy's head with a crabs body. I choose to make this because in class we were given two prompts to draw and I choose to draw this because I like seafood and I thought this would be fun and creative to draw.

The materials I used to draw this were printer paper, a regular pencil, and colored pencils. the colors i used were red, orange, and a little yellow.

The way I made this art was going online and looking at different types of crabs and and once I got an idea of what I wanted to draw I put my laptop away and tried my best to get the shape of the crab correct. after that I drew a boys head from my mind. when I started to color the creature I tried to give it texture buy the way I used the color pencil. The contrast between the regular pencil and the colored pencil is very strong I tried to emphasis the parts of the crab that may have shadows and lighten up on the parts that wouldn't be so dark. my project evolved by becoming something I wasn't really envisioning but by the end it turned out better than I thought I would be. Something I could improve is the boys head it cold have had more detail making it look a little more realistic.