color design

Colorful Triangles 10x14 - Paint Tints And Shades 8.5x7.5

The story behind my art is I wanted to make a design using triangles because when I was younger I used to draw them alot. So I made a design using lines and triangles And In the triangles I would paint the tints and shades of each color we had to do.

The materials I used were canvas, printer paper, acrylic paint, paper, brushes, and a palette knife.

The way I made this was by starting with making a design that could hold all 84 tints and shades once I did that I drew it bigger on a canvas. Next I started mixing the tints and shades of each color and painting them on to my canvas and color log. A way I could improve my art is by cleaning up the lines so it looks cleaner and so each color is better separated.