Time Capsules

Riding Helmet 12x9

My Room 12x9

Me 12x9

The story behind my work is all the things I drew were something important to me. This project relates to my life because all three art pieces were parts of me. My riding helmet is something very important to me because of my love of horses. My room is important to me because I really like to decorate and I decorate my room a lot. And the picture is of me so that is also important.

The materials I used to make these art pieces were pencils, watercolor paper, a corner of my room, my riding helmet, and a mirror.

The processes used to make this art was trial and error. when I first started the drawings I was having a hard time getting the rhythm of each pencil stroke to look right and match to make the drawings look more realistic. My projects evolved as I messed with the lighting because when I first started their was bad lighting making it hard to see each detail but I moved to a better place and restarted and the drawing started looking way better then they did when I first started. My next steps would be the fix the hair on my self portrait and make it look more like me.