
Untitled presentation

The third project that we worked on this semester was creating teapots. We had to create a teapot that had all the traditional pieces that it pot would have except we can make them a little different. I decided to make my teapot and elephant with a bird sitting on top of it. I had a hard time coming up with an idea but I decided on this one because my Nana has a teapot kind of like it and I thought it would be cool to try to make my own variation of an elephant teapot.

Creating the teapot was not very difficult the hardest part for me was making the spout. I had a really hard time making it the size I wanted while making sure I could actually use it because I decided that I wanted my teapot to both look very nice and be something I could use. Glazing my teapot was not as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I decided to paint the elephant a grayish blue and paint the bird a maroonish red.

overall I think that the teapot looks very nice and turned out the way I wanted it to I knew I didn't want my teapot to be very realistic I wanted it to look more cartoonish I think I achieved that.