Collagraph Printmaking

Tin Foil 7.5x12.5

Cardboard on cardboard 7.5x12.5

Acrylic paint and crayons on printer paper 8.5x11

Acrylic paint on printer paper 8.5x11

The story behind my art is I wanted to create a printing plate that looks like the USA. And when I was adding to one of my printings I added the color red so it would be red, white, and blue for the colors of our country. This relates to my life because this is the country that I live in so I wanted to make this.

The materials I used were cardboard, glue, mod podge to make my printer plate. And tin foil, printer paper, acrylic paint, and crayons to make my prints.

I made this by starting with my plate I sketched the USA on cardboard then cut it out and glued it to another piece of cardboard. After I cut out some states to give it texture and mod podged the whole thing so its waterproof. After I made one printing by putting paper on it and rubbing a crayon on it. Another by putting tin foil on it for the texture. And the last three I made by getting printer paper wet and putting acrylic paint on the plate and pressing the paper on like a stamp. At first I was going to just do just put the states i've been to and where I want to go but it wasn't enough so I did some all over the place. My next steps could be to try some different materials to print with like food coloring or things like that.