Time Capsule Drawings

For this project at the beginning of the year we had to make a drawing of on object and room and a self portrait. Now that I look at these is drawings I see that they lack a lot of technique. They are a lot worse than I remember. I did not use much shading in any of these. For my object I chose a lamp because it was not a lot of different shapes. It was only a few basic shapes and it was not that hard for it to appear three dimensional. For the room I drew one of the rooms in the school during study hall. I drew it in the perspective of the corner of a room because I thought it would make it look more like a room if I did so. I had trouble making it be in the perspective in the corner. I had a lot of trouble with making things look realistic from what I can remember so I gave up very quickly. Finally, I drew a self portrait. I got very frustrated with this because it did not turn out they way I wanted. I kept restarting and after about the third or fourth time of restarting I sort of stopped trying to make it look good and just trying to get it done. I only used pencils and paper for materials. I am not proud of these currently and I do not think I was particularly proud of them at the beginning of the year either. I do think it was cool to see how much I have improved this year though.