Sgraffito Tile

After the tiles were fired we got to choose which gazes we wanted to use,. I was going to use the forest green glaze for everything, but I ended up also using clear glaze too. I took a little bit too much time glazing so the coat of glaze on top of the tile was not as thick as I would have liked.

For this project we had to first create a visually interesting idea for a design. I decided I wanted to do a zentangle sort of design. I brainstormed a bunch of different designs Then when I got the tile I split it up and carved it into some sections. Then I used the scratch tools to carve the designs into the clay tile. A problem I encountered was I accidentally made too many sections so I had to stop carving for a bit and sketch a few other designs. Then I filled the last of the designs into the empty sections.

In the end I wish I had used more care carving a few of my designs. I feel like I rushed a few of the designs so they look a bit sloppy. Also, I wish I had just used a clear glaze. I think that the forest green glaze looks a little bit weird with the designs. But overall, my tile did turn out almost how I envisioned it.