Organ & Tissue Donation

For this project I was not exactly sure what I wanted to do, but I knew that I did not want to make it too gory, but still relevant to the cause of Organ and Tissue donation. I decided I wanted to do a sort if cartoon-ish looking landscape and a night sky filled with stars. Also, I wanted to draw a silhouette of a girl and make it all black, except paint a cartoon red heart in her chest so there was just a small little connection to organ and tissue donation. I was not exactly sure of a slogan just yet, but I was thinking along the lines of “You do not live forever, but with Organ&Tissue Donation you can help someone live a little bit longer.” After awhile I decided it did not fit with my composition so I changed it to “Make the stars align in someone’s life by Organ&Tissue Donation.” I did not want to make it gory or even obviously incorporate organs. I was told to draw what interests me and stars interest me a lot. I think of gazing up at the stars as a peaceful thing and that is the mood I was trying to convey through my composition. I wanted to incorporate a sort of cartoon feel because I know that I am not a particularly strong realistic artist, and working with acrylic paints is still a semi-new material to me. I knew I might struggle with not being able to make it the way I wanted to so I just went with a cartoon style.

I decided to use acrylic paints for this project. I have been using colored pencils all year and I wanted to change it up a little bit and get to use some more materials. I have not used acrylic too many times in the past so I just wanted to learn how to use it a little bit more than I did before. I guess I just wanted a change in how my artwork looked. In the end I had to take my project home to finish it and use really chunky acrylic paint because it was all I had. After a few days I waited to finish the text until I got new paint so I wouldn't ruin it, but I forgot to get new paint brushes so the only paintbrush I had was much to thick.

I experimented a lot with my catchphrase along with the entire composition. I drew out several sketches before I even touched the canvas just to make sure I has a solid idea down on paper. For the last few art projects I was lacking a strong idea so I wanted to make sure that I had something planned out ahead. I also experimented with different fonts for the text that I would draw. At first I just wanted to do a landscape with a silhouette and some stars. Also my slogan was different in the beginning. After I finished what I had planned on doing I decided that I wanted to add a cartoon heart in the silhouette person’s chest just to add to the literal theme of organ and tissue donation. Regarding my slogan, my original one did not seem significant enough to the rest of m composition. So I decided to change it to “Make the stars align in someone’s life by Organ&Tissue Donation,” which I think is a little more relevant to the theme. I think I could maybe consider adding a few more layers or stars just to give it a richer feel. I feel like what I have now gives sort of a shallow feel and could be much richer. I think that I could definitely touch up more artwork because it looks messy and really bad. I should've gone out and bought new paint brushes so it would not look so messy. I think the only way to save this project would to be to start over completely because it looks terrible.