
8 X 11.5in

For this drawing I only used a 2B pencil. I started off very light and then shaded the features as I went of to try to make them appear to be three-dimentional. I spent a long time going back to darken places and add different textures. I wish I had used a 4B pencil in some places because I think it would’ve added more contrast of values.

I started off with a sketch of just a stick-figure. I tried to add on to the stick figure to make it more than just a stick-figure, but I was not happy with the results. I decided to start over and try to a different approach. First, I made the decsion to try to draw realistic features on the face and spent a lot of my time improving them. Then I was going to sketch a realistic body with short arms and long legs, but I did not think that was the most creative idea. I had the idea to draw stick-figure body opposed to a realistic one and I am glad I did because I think it makes the picture more creative looking.

The card I drew from the WhatchamaDRAWit game instructed me to draw a person with a big mouth super short arms and super long legs. I wanted to try and make my drawing as creative and original as possible. At first I started to draw more realistic features for the face. The idea came to me to make the body a stick-figure because I thought it would be a good way to make it more creative.

I chose to make this person the way I did because I felt like this was the best way to express my creativity and my artistic style. Sort of half realistic half cartoon/stick-figure. I feel like my artwork is either pretty realistic or very unrealistic and cartoon like and not much on an inbetween.

First my project was just a stick-figure that was simplistic and had little detail. I did not like this so I started over and tried something completely different by attempting to make the person’s features more realistic. As I went on I did not think my artwork expressed very much creativity so I went back and decided to draw a stick-figure body for the realistic head I sketched.

If I were to add to this drawing I would definitely add different values to make some of the features more realistic. Also, I think I would add some color in places to make my image more visually interesting.