Blind Contour Drawing

The assignment that was given had two parts. The first part was to draw our hands without looking or picking up our markers from the paper. These are called line contours. We drew our left hand then our right hand and then a self portrait all on the same paper. After we completed these drawings the didn’t look very much like hands. The next step was we had to make these three individual drawings into one picture.

At first I wasn’t sure what to make out of my line contours because they just looked like scribbles to me. Eventually I saw what looked like a waterfall and some mountains. From there I added a couple scribbles to give myself more to work with. By the end of the project I united the drawing by incorporating the four elements. Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.

The materials I used were colored pencil, and watercolor pencils. I chose to use watercolor pencils because the had more of a smooth look, and blended some of the colors together nicely to make everything look like it fit together.

Part of the project was to unify the three blind contour drawings so it looked like one drawing instead of three separate drawings. At first I was not sure how to do this because my blind contour drawings were spaced out weirdly and didn't seem to look like they could be one drawing. I made a few more blind contour drawings to fill the space and see if that would help give me an idea to unify everything. I started to connect things and add details along the way and it turned into one drawing. The other part of the project was balance. This was hard at first because the original three blind contour drawings where randomly spread among the paper. I added a couple more blind contour drawings to fill the empty space. Once I thought I finished my drawing completely, but I noticed on side was heavier and more full than the other so I added a couple of random shapes on the empty side and I connected them into my drawing and it became more balanced.

The biggest struggle I had was trying to figure out what to make out of the blind contour drawings. They just looked like randomly places scribbles to me at first, but then I flipped the paper around and started seeing small details that I highlighted and eventually I was able to add onto the small details and connected them together as one. The proudest thing in my artwork is the different textures I was able to make by using the watercolor pencils. I feel like I did a good job using different textures along the way to make the different pieces of my drawing stand out. Something that bothers me about my drawing is that in some places the watercolor pencils dripped and mixed together making a brown in some places, but overall I am proud of my drawing.