Linear Perspective

For this project we had to use linear perspective to draw a room. First in this project we learned the basic of how to use linear perspective. The basic things you need in a linear perspective drawing are the vanishing point, the horizon line, and the orthogonals. You connect all the orthoganals to the vanishing point. The horizon line is at the height of our eye line to give a realistic idea of the proportion of objects in the room.

First we used these steps just to draw basic shapes then we moved on to the next assignment which was to draw a room with windows, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, an open door, and furniture. This helped cover the basics of getting used to different shapes and things and drawing them correctly in linear perspective.

After we had to go out in a hallway in the school and draw what we saw in linear perspective. We had to put the steps we had learned into actually observing and drawing an actual room with objects we had to put into linear perspective. I had a lot of trouble at first, but when I got started it got easier. I would change one section of the hallway I did because it was from a photo and it was a little off. Overall I think I learned a lot about linear perspective.