Word Graphic

8 x 11 1/2in

The first thing I thought about when I drew the word raccoon was the eyes on a raccoon. Since the two O’s were next to each other I decided to make everything block letters and connect the two O’s to look like the signature mask of a raccoon. I decided to add the rest of the face of the raccoon because it made it more apparent that it was a raccoon. When I drew the block letter R I realized that it sort of looked like a tail. I made it wider and rounder and then drew stripes to make it into a tail as the finishing touch. I was happy that I drew the noun raccoon because I like raccoon’s and had a lot of ideas for the design. I just went with the first thing I thought of when I thought of raccoons. After I drew eyes of the raccoon I drew the face. I was not sure if the face was a good idea because I wanted the O’s to still be legible. I decided to draw it anyway to make the raccoon theme even more apparent. Lastly, I drew the tail off of the R as the last detail.

First I used just a pencil just to sketch everything out. After I was done sketching everything with the pencil I used a black Sharpie to go over all the lines that I had drew. With the sharpie I drew the lines thicker in certain areas to draw more attention to them.

I experimented a lot during this project. First I just wrote the word raccoon over again and seeing how I wanted to go about the letters and how I wanted to connect the letters to make the shape of the mask and the tail. Then once I got my design down I played with different sizes and line thickness, some of the shapes etc. Then after about the third rough draft I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. Finally, I drew up a final draft with all the proper elements that I wanted to include. More project at first was just sort of thin lines and there was only the mask and eyes of the raccoon. Then I added the rest of the face of the raccoon and after that the tail. I added the tail because without it the drawing was unbalanced. When I added the tail I feel like the design sort of balanced out. Also, after about my third sketch I decided to thicken the lines in certain places to create emphasis on these features. Lastly, the size and style of the letters changed a lot, but I liked the block letters and the size I chose is the end. Some of the next steps could be touching up some of the lines and just cleaning up the drawing in general. Some of the lines look a little rushed and are not as straight and linear as I would have liked them to be. also, I think I could maybe add the texture of raccoon fur in some of the other letters to add to the raccoon imagery.