Modified Contour

For this project we had to do two drawings to show line contour. In the first drawing we were asked to draw our hand when we were holding something. I chose to hold my necklace. At first we had to focus on the basic outlines then we would focus on the more detailed parts of our hands like the lines on out hands. For each line depending how defined it was we would draw a darker thicker line or if the line was faint a lighter skinner line, but we could only draw lines and we were not aloud to shade. I used a 2H pencil for the lighter lines and a 4B for the darker lines. After we were done with the details we had to erase the 'sketchiness' to make the lines look clean. After we were done we could clean up and or darken and erase the lines to make it more realistic.

For our second drawing we had to draw three views of our shoes. A arial view, a side view, and a front view. First I did the side view with my sneaker. It was hard getting it to be proportional and make it look realistic. After I finished my main outline I added texture to my shoe. I darkened areas where my sneakers are a little muddy and I used lighter and thinner lines for the cleaner parts of my sneakers. I used a 2H pencil for the lighter lines and a 4B pencil for the darker thicker lines. Then I did not have my sneakers with my one art class so I drew the front and arial view of my bean boots. I had a hard time making them look three dimensional, but after awhile the started to look a little more realistic. Durning these projects I struggled most with accurate proportion. I always made everything too small or the height to length ratio was off, but I finally was able to draw with accurate proportion near the end of the unit. I would change the arial view of my boot because I think its off and I didn't do a good job showing the shoes depth. I really like how my hand turned out I just wish it was bigger and I would fix the pinky. I really like the front view of my boot because it is proportional accurate and it turned out looking pretty three dimensional.