Squiggle Drawing

The assignment was to turn a random squiggle into a picture of something related to what we did this summer. As we started this project it was decided that we could draw anything we saw. When I first saw my squiggle I wasn't sure what I wanted to draw, so I turned the paper until I saw a shape that looked like a dinosaur head to me. The first thing I drew was the rest of the dinosaur's body with a pencil. Then I added detail to the dinosaur, I realized the squiggle had a line going through the dinosaurs head. I decided it could be a vine in the jungle. I started drawing the vines around the dinosaur. After I was done with the outlines of everything, I started to color the dinosaur with colored pencils. When I was done shading the dinosaur and the vines, the background looked very empty. I thought it would look cool if I added mountains and hills in the background. Some things I wish I spent a little more time on are the details and I wish I used more open space because I feel like my drawing is very crowded. Also, I wish my colored pencil strokes were all in the same direction. The elements of art that I used are color and shape. My drawing is filled with different colors and had very little white. I should have used more space and texture to make my drawing better. My biggest struggle was trying to figure out what to draw. I spent awhile turning my paper at different angles to try and see something in the squiggle. I started adding on to the line to see if that changed my perspective of the squiggle. I finally saw the dinosaur head and was able to start drawing. I am most proud of the shading on my dinosaur. Overall, there are some things I would change, but for the most part I like my squiggle dinosaur.