Linoleum Prints

7.5'' by 7.5''

ink, paper, newspaper, linoleum

Linoleum prints:

For my linoleum print, I chose to do a mushroom because it was one of the first ideas that popped into my mind while thinking of ideas. I used orange, red, black, and blue ink for this project. My favorite print would definitely be the red one which I then drew marker over it. I think this was a very cool project and definitely one of my favorites. I'm not sure I would have done this any differently I'm very happy with my work for this unit. One challenge I came across while doing this was that if you didn't angle the paper right or had ink on your hand it got onto the border you would have to do it again, I had to re due it multiple times because of that issue but in the end, everything turned out very well. I think it's a very unique project your art and is not seen much. I would definitely consider doing this one again. I did have to recarve a lot of my spaces because I didn't carve deep enough but besides that. it went pretty smoothly.