beautiful OOps

Beautiful OOps drawing


9'' by 11''

colored pencil, pencil, ink blot, paper

beautiful OOps drawing:

My idea was to make the blot of ink the head of a butterfly and then add on from there. I love butterflies and that the main reason why I decided to draw a butterfly. I also added some flowers in the background for a pop of color. This doesn't really relate to me in any way I just thought it would be a nice drawing piece.

For this Drawing, I used colored pencils and a regular pencil. I started with a regular pencil but decided it wasn't drawing dark enough so I went in with some color.

This was easy for me to figure out what to draw because I had the idea in my head of what to draw anyway. I went step by step slowly adding in different things as I went. Towards the end, I shaded some spots to give it a more realistic look. My next step would be to make it darker, add more flowers and more detail to the flowers, and because I think the background still needs some more work. This isn't my best work but it's something and it's art, and not every piece of art is going to come out as planned.