extended blind contour project

Extended Blind Contour project

A girl

10'' by 12''

colored pencil, pencil, pen, paper

Extended bling contour:

In this piece of artwork, we had to draw our face and our hand, but we could not look at the paper we were drawing on, I also decided to draw my shoe which added an abstract look to the drawing. This relates to me because everything in this drawing has something to do with myself, the shoe, the hand, and the self-portrait.

For this project, I used a mirror to look at myself while I did the self-portrait. A thin black sharpie pen, Watercolor paper, and colored pencils. I started out the drawing with the black pen and then after I finished with that I ended the drawing by coloring it in with colored pencils.

I started out by looking at my work/paper space, I started on the left side which is now the bottom because when I finished the drawing I decided to turn the paper because I liked how the hand looked like it was grabbing the face or reaching for it. I did the self- portrait on the top/right of the paper and then the shoe on the left/bottom just like the hand because there was a lot of white space to cover up. After I drew each piece of the artwork, I went in with colored pencils, I pretty much used one of every color to fill in all the shapes. The form of this art piece is very unique and different, I really like how it turned out. If I could do more I would fill more of the white spaces, because I feel like there is still a lot of space that could be filled.