artist inspired project

artist inspired:

for this project we had to pick a artist we were inspired by whether it was there work, color choice, or technique used. my artist inspired project I decided to use the artist Arthur Halvorsen he lives in Boston, Massachusetts. Arthur is a ceramic sculpture and uses earthenware clay for his work. What really drew me to his ceramic work were the colors choices and blends he used. Most of his work is vibrant and abstract but this one particular piece I found of his really drew me to his page. He used aqua and blue tones, I found it really attention grabbing which is why I chose him as my artist. I decided to make a dish, plate, and I was going to make a cup but ended up making a mini almost like ring dish instead. I used a slab technique and pinch pot technique to get the results of the dishes I wanted.

The tools I used consist of a needle tool, glaze, and wooden tool. I used the needle tone to create the edges of the bowl and wooden tool to smooth the edges or corners out. I started with the pinch pot, I used a pinching technique to get an outcome of a cute little dish/bowl. After that I made almost a bowl like plate, I would use it for jewelry ot to hold small things. I made these using slabs. I rolled out two large slabs and cut our circular shapes. it's hard to make a completely circular plate or bowl so after I cup out a circle I used a needle tool to make a design on the outside of the bowl. I wish I would have changed my glaze color choices because I used a lot more dark toned than light tones colors and light was what I was trying veer towards. I tried to use the pinch pot to make a similar form as the image i was inspired by, but it would look more similar if the colors were lighter and not as dark and green.

these are the items after they had been fired and before glaze

finished products:
