Ceramics I

Ceramics 1 reflection :

This ceramicas semester has been a lot of fun, I've learned new techniques and ways of art. Throughout these few months we have done quite a few projects, Pinch Pots, Coil Pots, Slab Project, and an Artist Inspired project. I had fun doing all of these but if I had to pick one I would pick the slab project. This was my favorite project and the one I am most proud of. I would also say I was proud of my pinch pot work specifically the bowl I made. As much as i loved something about all the projects and all of my work, I loved how simple the slab mugs could be but also how crazy and textured you could make them. You could make them short, tall, wide, plain or basically any form that you wanted to. I personally based the set of mugs off of the colors, all of my mugs were different sizes, and different forms, textures, and heights but in order to make it a set I used all greens, and blues to really tie the theme of them together. I had already used clay before this project so the technical part wasn't to bad, I knew how to handle it and how to put it together. Some things I did struggle with were the handles, and a sturdy bottom base. The handles were fun to make but the forming and placing/blending onto the mug was a little uncomfortable for me. The reason I really enjoyed the slab mugs was because of the ending result, some of the mugs came out better than the others but I was really happy about the tones and blends of colors overall. I learned how to be patient and gentle with my work during this project, because the clay will crack or dry out if you don't use your time properly. My first mug compared to my last mug was very different, and surprisingly my first mug came out the best out of all my mugs. I think this would be because I start to rush to get things done faster which takes away the neatness and cleanliness of your work; this is something I need to focus on in ceramics 2 next semester.

My mom was an art teacher and has done a lot of ceramics in her lifetime, so from her experience and her love for art she encouraged me to take the class, and I couldn't be happier that I did. Ceramics is hands down my favorite class of this semester, it's such a calming and relaxing class. At first I didn't know how hard or how easy it would be but after the first few classes I knew I would like it. Ceramics is such an amazing way to express your styles, and feeling of things. Everyone around you is creating something different from yours that is usually a reflection of them; wether is the colors choices, patter, or structure. I always just looked at ceramicas as a class that you make things out of clay with, which it is but it is also so much more. You get to learn about artists, and history behind the art of ceramics and really get to see what it's all about. The class is also just away to take a break from all the other overwhelming work/things you have going on. You can just make, creat, and listen to music which is what I love so much about it. Im really looking forward to ceramics 2 to see what new techniques and projects we get to explore and learn about.

It's really hard to come with things to improve a class like ceramics, but if I had to make any suggestions it would probably be more freedom to choice on projects, I'm really just saying whatever I could think of to "improve" this class. I love being able to sculpt and create what I want, its so fun to make and form things that pop up in your head. We do have a little free time between projects that we finish early or when we are waiting on things too dry, but I wouldn't mind a project revolving around our own ideas to do whatever we wanted to.

Overall ceramics was a really fun and relaxing class to be part of and I can't wait to see what new ideas and techniques ceramics two brings me.