Linoleum Prints


4'' 6''

Black ink on printmaking paper


Unique Surface

4'' 6''

Black ink on orange paper



4'' 6''

Black in and sharpie on printmaking paper



4'' 6''

Blue and black ink on printmaking paper


Unique Surface x2

6'' 8''

Black ink on map paper


All Prints

Linoleum Block

4'' 6''

Carved Linoleum


Focusing on Multi-Colored Starfish

With this work, I was trying to use my carved linoleum tile in a new and innovative way.

I started this work by carving a linoleum tile, once I carved it, I printed a big blue rectangle on a piece of white paper. As I was pulling my ink on my bench press I was making sure that the roller had an even amount of ink on it before I rolled it onto the blank linoleum. I had my linoleum on a sheet of paper as a guide so that when I went to print, It would be centered on the paper that I was going to press onto it. I then used a baron to press the paper onto the inked linoleum. I pulled the paper up and waited for the blue ink to dry. Once the blue ink had dried I got out my carved linoleum block and rolled black ink onto it, I then pressed it onto the block trying to get the blue in line with the black, I used the Baron to press the ink onto the blue and then peeled it up. Then, I was done!

One thing that I could've and should've done better would be lining up the blue better with the black, but I think all of my ink coverage was really good and I love how all my works turned out, not just the Multi-Colored one.