Zoomed shoe

Im calling this project "zoomed shoe" because it is a zoomed shoe that we added color to. There isn't really a subject I just decided to add a lot of color, it is based off of my shoe, specifically my converse. I choose to create this because I wanted to add a lot of patterns and color. For materials I used graphite to create the initial sketch of the zoomed shoe, than I used colored pencil to add the color and shapes. While creating this I paid close attention to value, By making some stuff really dark like the chevron pattern, but with the circles I made the outside really dark and made it lighter in the middle. I wanted my artwork to look very colorful, by adding different shapes and designs then adding color. To add interest to my composition, I used pattern by making different shapes. I like the way it looks, and I am proud of the chevron pattern because I pressed down really hard on the pencil so it is blended good. However I struggled with continuing to press down hard on the pencil. If I created another piece like this I might add more patterns. My work shows that I have learned how to add color and depth etc.