Ceramics I

Final Reflection:

The project that I am most proud of is the multiple pinch pot project. I really liked this project because of the different patterns I used and the colors I used. I think one of the reasons I liked this project is because I actually took time to plan it whereas I usually chose what I am going to do as I am doing it. From doing this project I learned how to attach separate pieces and shape them together. One of my other favorites that I did was the dinosaur. The project was to make something out of a sphere, so I used the sphere as the body and added on the head, legs, and tail. This was one of our first projects so at first I did not cut holes in the attached parts so I had to disassemble it to cut holes so the air could circulate. Overall I am really happy with how it turned out.

This class has changed the way I think about ceramics because I have learned that I really like doing ceramics and I am looking forward to ceramics 2. I have also learned how things are made in general and how difficult some of the techniques can be. I think it will also make me look more carefully at other pieces of artwork I see in public and appreciate how they were made. In general I think ceramics is a lot harder than it looks. Also just all the technical things were surprising to me like what dryness of the clay is best to work with, and letting pieces or work dry slowly so they doesn't crack. I definitely look at ceramics in a much more different way after having this class.

I don't have any recommendations for this class. I just wish we would have had it more than once or twice a week because of the new schedule but that us out of your control. I also wish we were able to make more things, but once again that is because of the new schedule. I especially like having this class at the end of the day because it is very relaxing. I am looking forward to taking this class next semester and hopefully have more in person classes. Overall I am really glad I took this class!