Candy Still Life

I am calling this project candy still life because it is a still life drawing of skittles. The subject is skittles based off of the candy that we got in class. I chose to create this specific work because I wanted to create a bright piece with colors and I chose the positioning because I wanted some to overlap. For materials I first used graphite to outline the skittles then I went over them in colored pencil. For the background I used watercolor. I used a variety of techniques and methods including shading. While creating this worked I paid close attention to how the shadows were positioned by keep looking back at the viewfinder. I wanted my artwork to look realistic and I also did that by using the viewfinder. To add interest to my composition I used different materials by having both colored pencil and watercolor. I like the way it turned out and I am proud of my shading. However I struggled with the shadow under the skittles packet. If I created another work like this I may add another type of candy just to have another element. My artwork shows that I learned how to draw from real life and pay attention to shadows.