Animal Assemblage

Im calling this project Octopus because it is a sculpture of an octopus. The subject is an octopus based off of a sketch that we drew. I chose to create this specific work because it reminds me of the ocean and the ocean reminds me of summer. For materials I used newspaper, tape, paint chips, and magazines. I used a variety of techniques and methods including gluing and cutting. While creating this work I paid close attention to color by using the paint chips for the head. I wanted my artwork to look colorful and I did that by using a lot of colors. To add interest to my composition I used pattern by putting the colors in order from lightest to darkest. I like the way it turned out and I am proud of the head. However I struggled with the arms. If I created another work like this I may do something else for the arms. My work shows that I learned how to make an animal out of recycled materials.