Linear Perspective

I call this project linear perspective because it is a drawing using linear perspective. The subject is the hallway based off of the hallway outside of the art room. I chose to create this because I liked the spot in the hallway I was in because I was able to add more details with the lockers. For materials I just used graphite and I also used a ruler to keep all of my lines straight. I used a variety of techniques and methods including measuring so I could get the exact spacing between ceiling tiles, wall textures/ patterns. While creating this work I paid close attention to accuracy by making sure to always look up at the hallway while I was creating the work. I wanted my artwork to look clean and I did that by erasing all of my lines that connected to the vanishing point. To add interest to my composition I used pattern by matching the brickson the wall and some of the paintings that are on the wall. I like the way the overall drawing looks and I am proud that you can tell it is a hallway. However I struggled with being able to fit all of the doorways and other hallways into the drawing. If I created another thing like this I would probably try to make more space for the doors and other things. My work shows that I learned how to create pictures using linear perspective.