All About Dreams

All About Dreams

Have you ever woken up and thought “Wow that was a weird dream” But how did you have that dream? Well, this article will tell you all about how dreams are created! The first thing you need to know is there are 5 stages of sleep. Each sleep stage has to repeat in a 7 stage cycle in order to get a good night's sleep.


You might be wondering “Cool, but what's this got to do with dreaming” Well because there is only 1 stage that you actually dream. You only dream 2 hours a night. An average person needs 8 hours of sleep. So you only dream 25% of the night. The rest of 75% you're just laying down unconscious! 

Also you don’t just dream for 2 hours straight. You basically lay unconscious then dream, and repeat that the rest of the 7 cycles! Okay, okay, but how are dreams created. Well dreams are often a combination of feelings, memories, desires, and wishes, things you read or watch, and so much more! They are created by neurons moving crazy fast, creating images in your brain!

Well now that you know everything else here is the question you all have been looking for Drum roll *Bada Bada Bum.* Why do you dream? Well do you dream, well nobody really knows. Though most scientist believe that dreams Help you analyze habits and memories And they probably are there to rehearse real life events that already happened, and are going to happen (Plays, Concerts, Birthdays, etc)

Well hope you learned something about Dreams. So if you ever wondered How you had that dream, well now you know!