Can Money Buy Love?

Can Money buy love?

An interesting question

By: Leah Shusterman

Class of 2027

Do you think money can buy love? It’s definitely something to think about.

Well, money itself can buy many things, for example, Cars, Toys, Food, Devices, and many more.

However, love is a strong word and can be used in many ways as well.

At first glance you would think probably not but if you go a little deeper it’ll make you think.

Well first off, some people don’t have others to love, so they resort to items.

Items you can buy with money.

In my opinion money can for sure buy happiness. Many things are being sold for money that can make you happy!

Love is different though. Love is a strong bond, something you have a special connection with.

Just think about all the things that you can buy with money, yes it's not as specific as family or friends but let's say one of your family members passes away and you have a necklace with a picture of them inside, wouldn’t you love that necklace you buy with money just as well as a person?

Even though all the things you can buy with money, people still may argue that nothing can but love.

It is true that you can’t really buy your family or loved ones but you can love anything.

True money can feel like love but it is not quite like love. Like I said before, love is a special bond. Money can’t buy a bond. So, in some ways money can buy love. In some ways, money can’t buy love.
To really settle I asked around.

3 out of the 4 people that I asked said “No, money can’t buy love” which makes sense. 

This experiment shows that people believe that money can’t buy love because it’s a feeling.

However 4 out of 5 people said that Money can buy happiness, but it can’t buy love? After the experiment with students, maybe your opinion is starting to change.

If money might be able to buy love, what else can it buy?

Can money buy other feelings too? Maybe money can buy sadness, or jealousy.

Well I agree with both depending on the statement.

Sometimes money can buy love and other times, it can’t.

So what do you think, Can money buy Love? Or any emotion at all?