Betrayed By Your Own Loyalty

Betrayed by Your Own Loyalty

By Xander Fournier


I watched, with great sadness at many men burning, burning at the stakes. 

Myself hidden in a cloak was within the crowd watching my people, my friends brothers of faith burn at the stacks. 

I took down my hood wanting to see my friends with full eyes. Knowing the risk I tack forth my necklace, and bury it into the spot of my sorrow.

My life has changed from my years of service. I am a farmer of very little, or no honor. I wish to hide all of my past life. 

For a single indication of it, the world kills me. For I am a Member of the Knights Templar. We were betrayed only because we had more money than the French banks. 

Know I live in poverty. I am a farmer for a large estate in France. My payment, little. My heart is gone. For when we withdrew and hunted all that we possessed was seized or destroyed. 

Even our own children. My child I hid. Left with a farmer for his own protection. And then I was crushed with the knowledge that my joy and happiness would never return. 

I was only nineteen then. Now ten years later I feel that I should forgive and forget because the truth remains, you can never destroy greed. But I can never forgive and never forget. For after seeing my friends and siblings die around me I became a man of vengeance.

For these years I have pondered what to do with the rest of my life. And I still think I should lay low for my own protection and the protection of any templars that are still living. 

On this very day I am in my cottage sitting around the fire to keep warm from the bitter cold.

I finally pondered what I shall do about my problems. I shall unite the survivors of the brothers and we shall do our sworn duty no matter what happens. 

Under the foundations of my cottage was my armor. I scraped up the mark that was on my chest plate. 

I went to the spot ten years ago and dug my necklace of former loyalty. I gathered together any money I had and bought a carriage ride to the ports. 

To England I will begin my search yet hopefully I will live to fill out my quest. I will probably die. But I believe it is worth dying for.