What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?

By Ezra Katz

What would you do if a zombie apocalypse happened?

What would you do if a zombie apocalypse happened? Where would you go ? What would you do?

A smart start would be to find an empty house or shelter and  make this your  base of operations.  Investigate  materials that may be zombie proof.  For example, you could try iron or stone. These materials are a great start because they are hard and don’t break easily. These materials should be used to fortify your home base and also be used to set traps for zombies. 

Next,  try and find other humans, you can't have been the only survivor.  Ask them to join your cause, find places with no zombies and write them down or mark them on a map. Gather the essentials like a first aid kit, water, and food etc. gather your team and brainstorm ideas for how to find a zombie cure.  Experiment on trapped zombies to find out what they fear and what they like, to find their weakness.  Finally, you would have to survive on luck when the apocalypse happens it will  catch you by surprise, so you can’t prepare.

Let's ask some people!

Zachary Abrams says he would go to the mall so he has a lot of food and other products to survive.

Jonathan Biran would go to a military base because its high security and their some food

Max Koffler would go to whole foods because it has food and wifi

Evan Zhang would go to either a police station or home depot because they both have supplies 

Zev Hoffman would go to a bunker and fill it with supplies