Changing the People

By Vita Danilova, 7th Grade

The 10 people max per table rule is something that has been getting on quite a few people’s nerves. For example, I sit with 12 other people, and we have had to resort to going outside in the cold so we could all sit together. Now, that’s fine when it’s slightly chilly, but think about that when it becomes winter? 

Outside we’re allowed to have as many people per table as we want. So why shouldn’t the same rule be carried inside, to where it's warm and nice? 

We’re not allowed to move tables inside either, of course, but perhaps being able to would solve this problem, as people could then move two tables close together and still fit in the 10 person per table limit instead of trying to squash all 13 of them into one, and they’ll still be able to have conversations and act like one table.

It might also solve the problem if we had more rectangular or square tables in our cafeteria, as those are easy to fit together and join. Circles, as you probably know, however, are not. 

Or perhaps we could just remove the limit altogether; it would allow people to have a lot of freedom and they’d be able to sit with whoever they wanted to sit with. If that was allowed, we’d also be able to avoid leaving tables in the wrong places and not putting them back, which is a problem we unfortunately face when outside. 

Most of the time, people won’t sit at a table if it’s too crowded, with more than 15 people, because it’s uncomfortable and squashed.

However, we should be given that freedom of choosing who we sit with, where we sit, and how many people there are at our lunch table.