The Audition

             The Audition

By: Scarrlett Nguyen

Have you ever been so scared you felt like you could disappear

 into thin air? Well I have because it all started when I was auditioning 

for the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra which most people call the PYO. Everything was going well until it was almost the end of the year and everyone had to make a choice on auditioning for the next level or staying at the same level. In my group most people chose to stay and only some chose to audition. I was going to audition for the next level.If you never try you never knowI thought to myself, so I was desperate to try. 

I was practicing and everything was going good until my dad printed out a sheet with what I needed to play and when he showed me I got to work.

1. Brandenburg concerto strings quartet Excerpt

2. Solo piece containing shift to 3rd position

3. 2 scales, one 3 octave scale of your choice, one 2 octave scale of your choice

I had a solo piece called La Cinquantaine by Jean Gaberiel-Marie and a D major 2 octave scale, so all I needed was the excerpt and the 3 octave scale.

After a week, I was ready for the audition. I had practiced and now I was ready until a small part of myself told me that I will regret this, but I felt confident. I kept on practicing until it was time to go. Once I got into the car I stopped feeling confident. That was until I got there. I felt confident and brave again, but fear was still lurking inside of me. I waited in the big, beautiful performance room waiting for my turn. Once it was time I walked over to the library, to where the judges were, feeling like a solid stone. I finally started playing and the melody of my violin calmed me. Soon when I was done I took a deep breath and heard my mom calling my name. I quickly walked over to her and she asked me how it went. “Good,” I replied, trying not to sound nervous. So then I quickly packed up my violin and went home.

Five days later my mom screamed my name and I rushed over to her to see what was going on and she showed me her phone and it said:

Dear, Scarlett Nguyen 6

Thank you for being interested in the Young Artistes (YA) level.

That was all I needed to read to find out that I got in. “My hard work paid off!” I yelled ,so I ran to hug my mom, then ran to my room and started to practice my violin. Now I learned if you try hard enough you will succeed.