Honor and Disgrace Part 2


Honor And Disgrace 

Chapter 2: The Island

BY  X.P Fournier

“Ahhhh, ” I remember screaming. That was one of the last things that I remembered before everything went dark. 

That next morning I find that I am full of regret. I put a lot of my heart and soul into the making of that ship. For it was the first thing that I was ever in command of. 

Fools, those sailors, I thought that many times in my sleep, I knew in my heart that it was those seamen who did it. They brought the Huntress down to the depths.

I remember waking up at about midday. Hands latched onto the remaining mast of the ship. When I awoke I was full of rage. 

Such selfishness, I could never imagine could become of a human being. A few minutes after waking up I screamed, “Those sailors, pirates, that is all they are. I will not rest until they are brought to justice!”

I was staying hands clamped on the mast and wishing for bed. For my pain hurt so much. To be launched out of my cabin into the sea and to hold onto a mast of an entire night. 

As I floated I tried to see land, but I could not climb higher than my position. An hour later I felt something making me overjoyed. I felt sand under my feet. LAND! 

I soon was able to stand and then letting go of the mast, I looked behind me and saw the flowing waves. The beautiful movements of the water are miraculous and destructive.

I began walking towards the land every step feeling like a flame on my feet. I soon was taken by fear. Where was the West Indies, the Caribbean?

I walked toward the beach and spit out seewater, before collapsing into the sand. Having nightmares of storms and dominating waves. 

I awoke to the howl of a strange creature. Like nothing I had ever heard in England or my childhood travels through Europe. 

In fear I fled the beach climbing a tree that did not have the capacity to support me. So I fell. 

And still fearing for my life I ran into the forest. I found a small cave to keep myself hidden. 

I ducked into the cave and covered my eyes. Sleeping was easy with a tired body and a dark cave.

In the morning I awoke and picked some curved fruit from the trees, and broke a coconut.  I must find a way to chop down these trees to get those sailors. 

I then said to myself, “I must get back." Keeping with this I cut my hair with a sharp rock and used my hair as a rope. Later I tied the rock to a stick and I used this to cut down trees for a raft.