Samuel tuyub


Born and raised in the Bay Area, Samuel Tuyub found himself surrounded by artists of all kinds. Growing up in Marin City, he found inspiration in those around him who all found interest in different forms of art. In the current art landscape, he found the biggest passion for digital arts. Working with the computer he built in his parent’s garage he set working toward creating works that inspire young artists as did the ones around him growing up.


From pictorial to auditory art, Tuyub is set to change the art landscape through power-impacting works that not only leave a message to viewers but also inspire them. He believes art can be found in everyone. He seeks to break boundaries by integrating diverse forms of expression. His creative vision transcends traditional boundaries, aiming to captivate audiences with immersive experiences that resonate on a profound level. He finds themes of love and family to resonate with audiences the most. Which he incorporates pieces to ignite emotions, inviting viewers to view perspectives that demonstrate the beauty of relationships. In each artwork, he endeavors to weave narratives of love and family, recognizing these universal themes as powerful catalysts for emotional connection.

Check out more of Samuel Tuyub's work!



Samuel Tuyub, Hands, Photoshop, 2022


Samuel Tuyub, Poison, Photoshop, 2022 

Lloron al la casa

Samuel Tuyub, Lloron al la Casa, Adobe Premier, 2022

ice cream one gun

Samuel Tuyub, Ice Cream One Gun, Blender & Photoshop, 2023

seeing sounds concept

Samuel Tuyub, Seeing Sounds Concept, Photoshop & Blender, 2023


Samuel Tuyub, Rush, Filmora 10 & Adobe After Effects, 2023