ky han ly


Ky Han Ly is a Digital Media Art student passionate about graphic design, motion graphics, and 3D modeling. Ly's story is a testament to the intrinsic connection she has always felt toward art. Fascinated by the boundless potential of 3D modeling to elevate her ideas, Ly was motivated to delve deeper into the field. The ability to share unique ideas and creativity through visual storytelling became a central goal. Ly now cherishes the process of expressing thoughts and emotions through traditional and digital mediums. Beside that, she explores in creating interactive work and bringing it to the real world. Her art serves as a canvas for conveying meaningful messages to viewers, embodying the belief that exploring art is a limitless journey.

Check out more of Han's work!



Han Ky Ly, Puter, 3D Model, Blender, 2023 

Inspired by many 3D artists who created their characters

using Blender. I brought my sketched ideas into the 3D

world with my character design named “Puter”.

Still life

Han Ky Ly, Still Life, 3D Model, Blender, 2023 

Still Life Modeling is a project created by using Blender.

Playing with different objects and materials to make them

stylize to the original digital painting.


Han Ky Ly, Dance, 3D Model, Blender, 2023 

Dance is an interactive artwork for the InterKinect exhibition, a collaboration project developed by the CADRE Student Organization club. Touchdesigner, a software that creates projection mapping, built this project. She learned how to set up her works with an Xbox Kinect to track a person's body movements in the gallery and interact with the visual art shown on the wall by a projector.