Phuc Tran


Phuc Tran is a Vietnamese-American artist, currently a student at San Jose State University, with a concentration in videography and photography. Through his lens and work, the viewer will be able to narrow down the way that he himself views the world: full of nostalgia and moments ready to be captured by his camera. His photos and videos are a reflection of how he wants the viewers to see the world, emotions that could only be described by living in that very moment.


To be completely honest with you, the motivation of how I came to do the things I do, stems from the experiences of the past. How I vividly remember the days of my youth: the way the sunlight fell softly on my skin each morning I woke up in my hometown in Vietnam, how the cherry trees would sway in the wind every spring, how I would sit down with my uncle every Friday night, and he would pour me water in a shot cup, and we would pretend that we are two old buddies sharing a drink, the smell of black coffee my dad would make every morning as he gets ready to work, and the cold air hitting my nose as my mom drove me to school on her moped. Each day I spend with my camera is another day of chasing those feelings, those experiences that I could not put into words, yet are so easily viewed through my camera’s lens. 

I found comfort in videography and photography, and the ways I can brighten up the world around me through those two things. I know that these feelings I chase will ultimately be just for myself, but I also would like to share them with others, in the hope that they will also somewhat find comfort in these memories that I will try to capture.



Phuc Tran, Current, Photography

In this piece, I explore the idea of adventurism and the feelings of youth, how unique yet strangely similar we are, regarding how we would like to strive for freedom and seek out adventures, against the current of life, yet we will still find our way back to comfort, whether in the form of a location, or a person. 


Phuc Tran, Parasol, Photograghy

From my cultural photoshoot. The model here is Vietnamese, and she adorned herself with a traditional dress from Vietnam called Ao Dai. She stands out a lot in the photo, with her red and golden ao dai, shining from the bright sun, yet she seems to also fit in beautifully with the scenery around her, with both complementing one another using their beauty.


Phuc Tran, Filoloi, Photograghy

A test shot that turned out better than I could have imagined. I took this photo during one of my video shoots, and it turned out to be my favorite photo from that time. With the vibrant color and the nostalgic feel of the mansion, you can feel the summer heat emanating from the photo, and with that, the flowers are in full bloom, and nature seems to be taking over the mansion, with its overgrown and garden stretching out at every angle.