2023-12-19:  NGC5457 M101

I imaged NGC5457 (M101) on April 21, 2023 at Buford Mountain Conservation Area.  The telescope was a 200 mm aperture, 730 mm focal length F/3.65 Boren-Simon PowerNewton Astrograph with 0.73x focal reducer and coma corrector.  The imaging camera was a QSI683wsg-8 with Astrodon II filters and cooled to -15C, and with off-axis guiding.  The system was mounted on a Losmandy G11G2 equatorial head on a permanent pier.  The system was controlled with Sequence Generator Pro and PHD2.  The image was processed in PixInsight.

Luminance:  9 frames x 10 minutes binned 1x1.  RGB:  7 frames each x 10 minutes binned 2x2.  Total integration time of 5 hours.
