2016-01-02: The Rosette Nebula from Buford Mountain

Post date: Jan 11, 2016 3:15:59 AM

NGC2237 the Rosette Nebula with cluster NGC2244 the imaged with an 80 mm aperture apochromatic refractor with focal reducer at F/4.8 through a Baader UVIR cut filter and using a modified and baffled Nikon D5200 camera, and Baader Hydrogen Alpha 7nm narrow band filter. Mounted on a Celestron AVX mount and autoguided. Total exposure of 75 minutes in 15 light and 10 dark frames at ISO-800, with 30 minutes of H-Alpha imaging at ISO-1600 in 6 frames. Stacked in DeepSkyStacker and processed in Photoshop. Camera controlled by BackyardNIKON.