Wednesday 21st May

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Another quiet morning - we got up a lot later than usual. Slowly it seems we're acclimatising to the times over here - just in time for our return home!

Once we left the hotel today, we headed South in the car to one of the Outlet Malls so Linda could do some shopping.

As we approached the entrance I noticed a vehicle that would be ideal to carry her purchases.

We hired a RV for Linda&#39;s shopping

Fortunately, we didn't need anything as large as we only ended up buying a couple of items.

Heading back, we drove down part of the Strip.

Then once back in the hotel room, Linda wanted some photos of her new purchase - some shades.

New Shades

We're planning to head out in a little while to revisit the wheel, this time at night. Hopefully I'll be able to get a time lapse of that too.

As promised

This time we'd caught the shuttle train down to the wheel area, but there was no queue as such, it was pretty much walk-on. So we grabbed one of the Sundaes we'd promised ourselves before heading to the wheel entrance.

We stop for a sundae

The ride was probably better at night as it was more colourful.

The trip itself only lasts 30 minutes.

Once off, we walked back down the Strip, stopping off at the Bellagio Fountains first.

Then back to the hotel

Not before Linda managed our biggest win so far - $35!

Linda tries to win something

Oh, one last little thing, it seems the housekeeper here has a little OCD as she likes to arrange stuff in neat lines :)

Housekeeper likes to arrange the toiletries