Thursday 3rd October 2019

Early rise

As is usual on the first morning after a flight to the US, the both of us were awake in the very early hours. I was awake by 3am and we eventually both got up for a light breakfast at 5am.

So as we were awake, we took the chance to go and see a sunrise. So we jumped in the car and went to a nearby area near Manatee bridge which we'd crossed the previous night.

Sunrise was at 7.24am so we were well prepared for when it finally popped out.

Second Breakfast

Once back at the apartment, we had a more substantial breakfast. Then it was off to the shops to stock up on more stuff for the rest of the holiday.

Before we got to Publix though, we stopped at the Vacasa office so sort out some stuff. Their office is on the third floor of a small office block quite close to where we are staying. Since we'd arrived, we had amassed a couple of issues with the apartment and we wanted to try and iron some stuff out.

  • On arrival, there was no cold water in the kitchen and the cold tap in the bathroom had spewed black (filter excess maybe?) into the sink for a while.
  • We had read about a storage area connected to the apartment which was supposed to hold the beach chairs and other stuff which was no longer in the apartment. Despite our searching, we'd not managed to find this place. So we asked for help locating it.
  • Even though the place sleeps six, there was just three cups in the whole place, so we wanted to see if they could supply more.
  • The lounger on our balcony had been split a little last year, this time it was even worse, pretty much unuseable. So we were asking if they had any replacement available.

By the end of the afternoon, we knew where the store room was (behind a locked door in the carpark), had some new cups from them and promise that a new lounger would be on order soon. Result!

We were then off to Publix and a stock up of supplies for the next weeks. Undoubtedly, we'll need to visit the place again at some time, but I hope this will just be for the odd bit.

Feeling hot hot hot

The afternoon was really hot. Forecasts are for 92'F (33'C) today and tomorrow.

Linda decided to sit out on the balcony with her kindle, whilst I was indoors, wrestling with the software I had on the laptop which handles photos. I normally use Picasa, but that software it getting a little old now so I was trying new ways to import, catalogue and upload the photos taken over the holiday. I think I've got it working now.

Later in the evening, we went down to the pool which hadn't been used by anyone in hours as far as I could tell. We spent 30 minutes of so just floating around in the cool water - bliss!

Before we went back to the apartment, we watched the sun set over the horizon from the pool area. Then it was back upstairs, get changed and head out to the Fire and Stone pizza place which we like to visit.

Well... that was the plan, but on arriving, the place was in darkness and from what we could tell, the place is undergoing renovations as the inside was piles of bricks. So instead, we drove on into Bradenton and had dinner in the Perkins on 14th Street. We both had omelettes.

Once back in the apartment, I checked on my camera - I've left it running a day/night timelapse. So hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to share the outcome.

Linda's dozed off on the sofa, so I think it's time for bed.